Banana Accompanying Measures


Banana FarmIn line with the Growth and Social Protection Strategy (GSPS), the National Adaptation Strategy (NAS) and the Multi-Annual Support Strategy, the general objective of the proposed support framework is to achieve a sustained growth in production and exports of the agricultural sector, thus providing increased income for producers and exporters and contributing to employment, poverty reduction, rural development and social and economic stability.

The specific objective is to address the underlying weakness in the agricultural sector relating to commercial competitiveness and low productivity, through strengthening of entrepreneurial and technological development and innovation, implementation of quality standards , improvement of physical infrastructure, development of agricultural information systems and enhancement of risk management systems.

Expected results and main activities*

The following two broad results are expected from the implementation of the proposed BAM support framework:

  1. Enhancement of the Productivity of the Agricultural Sector by increasing the share of banana farmers who  produce  seven tonnes per acre from 23 % to 80% and increasing the contribution of non-banana crops to GDP from 8% to 10% through(i) promotion of entrepreneurial development (ii) improvement of physical infrastructure in key agricultural regions; (iii) enhancement of agricultural information systems and (iv) enhancement of risk management systems by 2018.
  2. Foster Competitiveness of the Agricultural Sector increasing metric tonnes of export volume by 25% by the year 2018 through support to (i) implementation of improved standards of quality (ii) promotion of technological development and innovation.

* See also schematic presentation of results and activities in Annex 1 (PDF, 56KB).